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    AP or IB: Which Do Colleges Prefer?
    Preparing for College

    AP or IB: Which Do Colleges Prefer?

    Some high schools offer both AP and IB classes. Having the option to choose is great, but knowing which classes to take can leave…

    Sophomore Score on Calc BC AP Exam
    Applying to College

    Sophomore Score on Calc BC AP Exam

    Question: I'm in 10th grade and just took the AP Calculus BC test. I'll probably get a 3. Will this in any way affect my admissio…

    Does a Good AP Exam Score Make Up for A Bad Class Grade?
    Applying to College

    Does a Good AP Exam Score Make Up for A Bad Class Grade?

    Question: Does a good AP test score make up for a low grade, like a C or D, in that AP class? How will this situation affect the …

    How Many Times Can an AP Exam Be Taken?
    Applying to College

    How Many Times Can an AP Exam Be Taken?

    Question: Is there a limit to the number of times I can take an AP exam, if I want to improve my score?

    Here’s the scoop on rep…

    Can I Take an AP Exam Without the AP Class?
    Preparing for College

    Can I Take an AP Exam Without the AP Class?

    Question: I am currently in an accelerated/honors chemistry class with an A+ average. I had signed up for the AP version of the c…

    How Much Credit for AP Exam Results?
    Applying to College

    How Much Credit for AP Exam Results?

    Question: My son, a high school senior, was told by one college on his list that he would get credit for the three 3's he earned …

    College Advice for Wheelchair User With Honors Classes but No AP's
    Applying to College

    College Advice for Wheelchair User With Honors Classes but No AP's

    Question: Due to other circumstances, I'm not currently taking any APs this year in 11th grade (but all our courses are honors). …

    Comparing AP Classes to Advanced (etc.) Classes
    Applying to College

    Comparing AP Classes to Advanced (etc.) Classes

    Question: I attend North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, and I am wondering how much importance college give to takin…

    Importance of Calculus for College Admission?
    Applying to College

    Importance of Calculus for College Admission?

    Question: I am going to be a junior in high school next year and I will be taking Algebra 2. At my high school you are not allowe…

    Chem, Physics, or Bio for Future Business Tycoon?
    Applying to College

    Chem, Physics, or Bio for Future Business Tycoon?

    Question: I am a Chinese student who is currently studying at a private school in Pittsburgh, PA. I just finished my junior year …

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