If you are a high school senior applying to college, the closer you get to the end of the year, the closer you'll be getting to t…
Here we go again. Every year, various publications come out with their "rankings." You'll see biggest party schools, top-ranked u…
Tuition, room, and board costs are just the beginning of paying for college. Those "incidentals" (if you can consider a $300 text…
Okay. Let's say that you're a a rising high school senior, or even a rising junior who is thinking heavily about where to go to c…
Parents, you're probably cringing at the thought of tuition, room and board expense for your son or daughter. Well, as you might …
The tide of simple and cost-efficient college life is going out. Fast.
Remember Gordon Gekko? Remember his signature line from the…
The two most prominent prongs of the college admissions process today appear to be (1) What's the best college for me? and (2) Ho…
I've touched on this topic before, but the situation continues to get worse. Now, even the major mainstream media are becoming in…
The state of the nation's economy is causing some rather odd decisions concerning college applications and enrollment. Up until n…
Who is the dark horse of higher education these days? Community colleges, of course.
As the college-cost bubble continues to expan…